Do you need video content? Why?

  • 2018: Video is king. Whether it be via YouTube, Instagram, Vimeo or Facebook, with these videos showing at the top of search engine results, stats suggest video is shared more than 12x times more than links and text combined
  • YouTube is the second biggest network behind Facebook, and this growth is set to continue – video really does engage.
  • A picture is worth a thousand words – a video is worth a million more
  • Video can convey your message in seconds, and for advertisers, the movement and noise combined are absorbed and retained by the human brain in a way simple text can never be.

Example videos we have created

Click on the links below to view the video


Consider the facts:

  • A positive video story increases buying decisions by up to 97%
  • Adult users are almost 40% more likely to react with video (share / comment / ‘like’) than text content, engaging with content and therefore more heavily influenced by their own reaction
  • More than 75% of consumed internet traffic in the coming year will be video based
  • Text brings the search engines, video brings the brain – embedded video on your landing page makes the viewer much more likely to stay and buy
  • Users spend up to 88% more time on a site with video

Media Chameleon Video Creation -What you get

Promotional Video Launch price £195

Creation of up to one minute video from still images and videos provided by you and your website, plus free stock relevant videos / images where available – done on site in our Production Video studio
Inclusion of suitable background music to enhance and integrate with the video.
Up to 10 words of professional voice over ‘call to action’ with background music reduced in volume as voice over plays.

  • Provided as AVI or .MP4 file for upload onto your website
  • Creation of YouTube channel and upload to YouTube
  • Upload to one other social media website e.g., Instagram or Vimeo
  • Post video to one of our relevant Facebook pages