The media pack including our advertisement rates for the 2022/23 hard copy publication and the Hertfordshire Focus website can be downloaded from here
Directory Circulation
- Over 30k copies of our magazine are distributed annually, and it is filled with big name competitions & more. It’s extended shelf life will target a wider audience for your company throughout the year.
- We distribute via independent newsagents and major supermarkets, as well as relevant, targeted outlets such as shops schools & nurseries, restaurants, hotels, pet shops, vets & more.
- 120k followers across a range of social media plat forms help push business your way.
Directory Layout
The Directory is printed in full colour glossy and is split into specialist sections, which contain additional classifications designed to make each company easy to find according to your speciality(ies) :
- Antiques, collectables & memorabilia.
- Business services & solutions.
- Food & drink.
Health, beauty & fashion.
- Home & Garden
- Motoring – classics, cars & bikes.
- Music, dance & theatre.
- Outdoor leisure & tourism.
- Parenting & childhood.
- Pets & animals.
- Sports, leisure & entertainment.
- Special Occasions / Weddings.
Directory Website
The site currently receives an average of 187 000 hits a month a year making it very high traffic
Advert Prices
Starting from as little as £45 for a boxed bold entry or a full colour advert for £70 in the hard copy directory and as little as £80 to advertise on this website we are confident we can provide you with the perfect advertising package. For our latest advertising rates click here (PDF download).
Digital Magazine
Below you will find our online digital version of the latest edition of the Hertfordshire Focus magazine.